Beach Volley olympic stamp collection Olympex 2012
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Beach Volley

Home <<< Collezioni <<<  Beach Volley London 2012  

History of the game and Olympic games

Collection for London exhibition OLYMPEX 2012

Fabio Bisogno - 24.06.2012

Beach Volley - Pag.1

     Since Mr. W.Morgan invented the game of volleball, this met a difficulty: the lake of adequate structures and initially it was payed outdoors. While the volleball evolved, the game practiced everywhere: in the mountains or in the lake; in fact it's just need a ball for fun with the new sport.



     When it arrived in the sea and on the beach the game turned from entertainment to competitive play, then was as Beach Volley. In Hawaii it was a success and in 1915 the Olympic swimming champion Duke Kahanamoku played the first sure game of the new sport. Since 1920 began to play beach volley in the early camps set up on Californian beaches, but there are games improvised by families.



     The game arrived on European beaches: first played on nude camp of Francoville, then in august 1931 played a tournament on the beach of Royan (France).



     In 1940 on the northern coast of California it was organized the first official tournament 2x2. But only in 1960 the tournaments of Beach Volley played on 13 Californian beaches, and in 1965 was founded the California Beach Volleyball Association (CBVA).



     The organizers of tournaments begin to define the rules of the game: similar to volleyball, but not equal. The playing camp is smaller (8x16m. instead of 9x18m.) and it play on the sand; the ball is white, yellow and blue colors, and the net is identical. The team is of two players. They have no substitution and the limit of three touches team also includes the wall touch.



     Since 1970 the first tournament played with a dollar prize. In same period the games touches on Italian beaches; while in the 80s beach volley becomes popular on Brazilian beach of Copacabana (Rio De Janeiro).
     In 1983 it founded the Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) to protect the interests of players who organizes the AVP Tour in 8 US States. And in 1986 it founded WPVA, the Women's Professional beach Volleyball Association.



     In 1990 the FIVB organized the Beach Volley international circuit and named the World Series: the tournamentes are held in Japan, Brazil and Italy. From 1987 to 1996 ten world championships played; however, only in 1997 the FIVB organized the first world championship, to play every two years.
     And since 1993, the European championship of Beach Volley played every year.



     Since 2003 the Swatch was the new sponsor of the World Championship and the FIVB changed the name in World Tour.



     The Swatch FIVB world tour is a professional beach volley circuit for men and women teams.
In 2005 the Swatch FIVB world tour played in Shanghai (5.17-5.22) and in Berlin (21.6-26.6).



     A lot of people look the world tour and so the FIVB organized the qualification tournaments, likes: Italian Open 2008 and 2009 (special cancels), and PAF Open 2011 (postal stationery with stamp and special cancel).



     The Beach Volley becomes a demonstration sport at Olympic Games in Barcelona 1992, with over 100 teams representing the five continents. The Olympic Year '92 tournament played on the Playas de el Zampillo in Almeria (near Barcelona) from 12 to august 18 and Brazilian team won.



     During the 101 Congress of Monaco, the president of IOC Mr. Samaranch puts the Beach Volley in Olympic programme of Atlanta '96: 24 male and 18 female teams will partecipate in the Olympic games.
     Karch Kiraly (Dominica $5) won the gold medal, but he already won two gold medals in Los Angeles 84 and Seoul 88 with US volley team.



     From 16 to september 26, 2000 a 10,000 seats stadium purpose built at Bondi beach (Sydney) played the Olympic Beach Volley tournament. Australian team of Natalie Cook and Kerri Ann Pottharst win the gold medals.
     September 28,2000 - Australina Post issued a block of 10 stamps to print by offset system.



     Australian stamps was also printed with the digital system and issued the day of Olympic victory. At last Australian Post issued a sheet of all Australian athletes won the gold medals in Sydney 2000 (November 11, 2000): only sold together the complete collection for the year.



     Brazilian Sandra Pires and Adriana Samuel won the bronze medal in Sydney 2000 (Germany 2002 - postal stationery printed by Funcard system sent to Italy).
     The competition of Athen played from 14 to august 25, 2004 in Faliro Olympic Beach Volley Centre. The new rule introduced about the points: the rally point system and the game end to 21 points.



     The Olympic tournament of Pekin played from 9 to august 22, 2008 in Chaoyang Park Beach Volley Groud. American team of Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh win gold medal (21-18 & 21-18) in front of the sellout crowd of 12,000 that braved the steady rain to cheer on Chinese team of Jia Tian and Jie Wang.


     The Beach Volley competition of London played from july 28 to august 9, 2012. Located on the Prime Minister's doorstep in central London, Horse Guards Parade provides an iconic location for London 2012 beach volley competition.


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